BaldStar Taq DNA Polymerase
BaldStar Taq DNA Polymerase is a chemically modified, novel and highly efficient Taq DNA Polymerase. The enzyme's activity is completely blocked at room temperature, making it inactive at low or room temperature. This effectively avoids non-specific amplification caused by non-specific binding of primers and templates or primer dimers at room temperature. The activation of the enzyme requires incubation at 95 ℃ for 10 minutes. The unique buffer system makes the application of enzymes more extensive, enabling efficient amplification of templates with high GC content, complex secondary structure, and low copy. Using this product for PCR amplification, the 3 'end of the PCR product contains A, which can be directly used for T/A cloning. This product has strong specificity and does not require gel recovery to remove impurities after PCR amplification. It can be directly used for downstream cloning or chip hybridization experiments. Mainly used in routine PCR, RT-PCR, Real time PCR, multiplex PCR, gene chip analysis, and SNP detection, especially suitable for PCR reactions with high specificity requirements. 5 in this product × BaldStar Taq PCR Buffer contains 8.5mM magnesium ions.
Component specifications
BaldStar DNA Polymerase (5U/ μ L) 5 × one hundred μ L
five × BaldStar PCR Buffer 5 × 1.9mL
Storage: -20 ℃, avoid repeated freeze-thaw.
Using activated salmon sperm DNA as a template/primer, the amount of enzyme required to incorporate 10 nmol of deoxynucleotides into acidic insoluble substances is defined as 1 active unit (U) at 74 ℃ for 30 minutes.
SDS-PAGE detection purity greater than 99%;
No exogenous nuclease activity was detected;
PCR method for detecting non host residual DNA;
Can effectively amplify single copy genes in the human genome;
Store at room temperature for one month without significant changes in activity.
The following example is a PCR reaction system and reaction conditions for amplifying a 1kb fragment using human genome DNA as a template. In practical operation, corresponding improvements and optimizations should be made based on the template, primer structure, and target fragment size.
PCR reaction system
Component dosage and final concentration
five × BaldStar PCR Buffer 10 μ L 1 ×
DNTP Mix, 10mM each 1 μ L 200 μ M each
Forward Primer, 10 μ M 2 μ L 0.4 μ M
Reverse Primer, 10 μ M 2 μ L 0.4 μ M
Template DNA<0.5 μ G<0.5 μ G/50 μ L
BaldStar DNA Polymerase, 5U/ μ L 0.5 μ L 2.5U/50 μ L
DdH2O to 50 μ L
Attention: Primer concentration, please use the final concentration of 0.1-1.0 μ M serves as a reference for setting the range. In the case of low amplification efficiency,