• Bromcresol Purple Dextrose Peptone
  • Bromcresol Purple Dextrose Peptone

Bromcresol Purple Dextrose Peptone

Used for the cultivation of indicator bacteria (spores of thermophilic fatty acid bacteria) during pressure steam disinfection process and the determination of disinfection effect.
  • Bromcresol Purple Dextrose Peptone


Purpose: Used for the cultivation of indicator bacteria (spores of thermophilic fatty acid bacteria) during pressure steam disinfection process and the determination of disinfection effect.

Composition (g/L):
Peptone      10.0
Glucose       5.0
Bromocresol Violet 0.012
PH value 7.0-7.2     25 ℃

Weigh 15.0g of this product, heat and stir to dissolve in 1000ml of distilled water, sterilize under high pressure at 115 ℃ for 30 minutes, and set aside.

Product Usage:
Culture and disinfection effect measurement of indicator bacteria (spores of thermophilic fatty acid bacteria) used for monitoring the pressure steam disinfection process
Product Usage:
Weigh 15 grams of this product, heat and stir to dissolve in 1000ml of distilled water, sterilize under high pressure at 115 ℃ for 30 minutes, and set aside.
Microbial sensitivity test of bromocresol purple glucose peptone water medium:
Prepare the culture medium according to the label usage, inoculate the quality control strain, and incubate it aerobic at 56 ± 1 ℃ for 48 hours.