• HotStart Taq Plus DNA Polymerase
  • HotStart Taq Plus DNA Polymerase

HotStart Taq Plus DNA Polymerase

This product is a product of Taq Plus that has undergone special processing. Before thermal activation, the polymerase activity of the treated Taq Plus enzyme is inhibited, thereby inhibiting non-specific amplification caused by non-specific annealing of primers or primer dimerization under low temperature conditions
  • HotStart Taq Plus DNA Polymerase


                         HotStart Taq Plus DNA Polymerase
This product is a product of Taq Plus that has undergone special processing. Before thermal activation, the polymerase activity of the treated Taq Plus enzyme is inhibited, thereby inhibiting non-specific amplification caused by non-specific annealing of primers or primer dimerization under low temperature conditions. This product is suitable for amplification and large-scale genome amplification detection of highly specific PCR reactions, Multiplex PCR, high GC content (>60%), secondary structures, and other genomes with strong background. Compared with HotStart Taq DNA polymerase (JN0023), it has the characteristics of increased amplification length (simple template can effectively amplify 20kb, complex template can effectively amplify 10kb) and good fidelity.
Product composition:
Component JN0024-250U
HotStart Taq Plus (5U/ μ l) 50 μ L
DNTP mixture (10mM each) 200 μ L
five × HotStart Taq Plus Buffer with Mg2+2ml
Product features:
1. Convenience: Consistent with conventional hot start enzyme reaction conditions, there is no need to change the PCR program settings (Figure 1).
2. Efficient: Effectively reducing the generation of heterobands and drag bands, thereby achieving highly specific PCR.
3. Sensitivity: Specific gene fragments can be amplified from 0.05ng human genomic DNA templates.
Product Usage:
1. High specificity PCR reaction;
2. Complex template amplification;
3. Multiplex PCR;
4. Genome amplification detection;
5. Large fragment PCR amplification reaction (up to 20 kb).
Usage suggestion: The PCR product amplified with this reagent has a prominent "A" base at the 3 'end, which can be directly cloned into the T vector.
Application examples:

fifty μ In the amplification system, using 50ng human genomic DNA as a template, HotStart Taq Enzyme Plus can perform highly specific amplification on specific gene fragments (170bp).
Swimming lane M: DNA 2000 Ladder;
Swim lane 1: Taq enzyme 1.25U;
Lane 2: HotStart Taq Enzyme Plus, 1.25U
Quality assurance: After multiple column purification, only clear and single target bands can be seen through SDS-PAGE gel detection; The PCR method detects no residual Escherichia coli DNA and no contamination of nucleic acid endonucleases or exonucleases.
Activity definition: The amount of enzyme required to catalyze the incorporation reaction of 10nmol dNTP into an acid insoluble substance within 30 minutes at 74 ℃ is one unit.