• Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit
  • Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit

Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit

This product uses PCR method to detect Mycoplasma in cultured cells and other biological materials. The primers used are designed based on the conserved region of Mycoplasma 16S-23S rRNA sequence, and only specifically amplify Mycoplasma DNA. The detection sensitivity and specificity are both high. PCR amplification and electrophoresis analysis only take a few hours, making the operation convenient and simple.
  • Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit


Cell culture is a common experiment in life science research. Unlike other commonly used experimental methods, cell culture is a dynamic and continuous process, where cells typically respond to operational errors or pollutants, often exhibiting abnormal cell states or medium appearance. If there is no significant change in cell morphology when contaminated with Mycoplasma, it is easily overlooked and often cannot be detected until the pollution is very severe. There may be hundreds of mycoplasma on the contaminated cell membrane, which compete for nutrients and release toxic metabolites, seriously affecting experimental results.

Research has shown that at least twenty types of Mycoplasma can contaminate cells, among which the most common are: Mycoplasma orale, Mycoplasma argininii, Mycoplasma hyorhinis, Mycoplasma fermentans, Mycoplasma hominis, Mycoplasma salivarium, Mycoplasma pulmonis, and Mycoplasma pirum. The contamination rate of Mycoplasma in cultured cells ranges from 4% to 92%, and its sources include work environment, operators themselves (some Mycoplasma are normal bacterial groups in the human body), culture medium, serum, cross contamination of cells, experimental equipment, and contamination of original tissues or organs used for cell preparation.
Identifying the potential causes of problems during cell culture is a difficult and time-consuming task. Any sudden changes in cell culture should be suspected, and good experimental practices and regular detection of mycoplasma contamination are also necessary. There are many methods for detecting Mycoplasma, such as direct culture, DNA fluorescence staining, ELISA, and PCR.

Product Features:
The GMyc-PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit mainly uses PCR method to detect Mycoplasma infection in various biological materials such as cell cultures, laboratory animal secretions, animal serum, etc. It combines several advantages: sensitivity, specificity, speed, and can be directly detected using cell culture supernatant. This product uses PCR method to detect Mycoplasma in cultured cells and other biological materials. The primers used are designed based on the conserved region of Mycoplasma 16S-23S rRNA sequence, and only specifically amplify Mycoplasma DNA. The detection sensitivity and specificity are both high. PCR amplification and electrophoresis analysis only take a few hours, making the operation convenient and simple.