SDS-PAGE protein loading buffer

SDS-PAGE protein loading buffer (1X, odorless) is an improved, safer and healthier odorless protein loading buffer with bromophenol blue as the dye and 5-fold concentration. This sample buffer contains TCEP with better stability, better reduction effect, and no unpleasant odor as a reducing agent, replacing traditional DTT or 2-ME. TCEP is a very effective thiol reducing agent, widely used as a quantitative reducing agent for disulfide bonds in protein chemistry and proteomics research. Used for


                                                       SDS-PAGE protein loading buffer

SDS-PAGE protein loading buffer (1X, odorless) is an improved, safer and healthier odorless protein loading buffer with bromophenol blue as the dye and 5-fold concentration. This sample buffer contains TCEP with better stability, better reduction effect, and no unpleasant odor as a reducing agent, replacing traditional DTT or 2-ME. TCEP is a very effective thiol reducing agent, widely used as a quantitative reducing agent for disulfide bonds in protein chemistry and proteomics research. Used for loading conventional SDS-PAGE protein samples.
Saving method:
-20 ℃ for one year
Transportation conditions:
Ice bag
1. This product is limited to scientific research by professionals and shall not be used for clinical diagnosis or treatment. It shall not be used for food or medicine, and shall not be stored in ordinary residential areas.
For your safety and health, please wear laboratory clothes and disposable gloves for operation.