Stripping buffer
Stripping buffer is used for the reuse of protein transferred membranes in Western cells. After completing the binding of primary and secondary antibodies and subsequent chemiluminescence detection in Western, it is sometimes necessary to detect proteins with relatively stable expression levels such as tubulin and actin as a reference, or to test other proteins for comparison. By using a first antibody and second antibody remover to fully remove the first antibody and second antibody, it is very convenient to reuse the used membrane for detecting other proteins. Compared to running another SDS-PAGE adhesive, it not only saves time and effort, but also eliminates errors caused by re loading, making comparability stronger.
Reusing the same membrane multiple times with Western first and second antibody remover can lead to a weakening of protein signals. This product has undergone multiple antibody detection tests and can usually be reused 3 times, each time taking approximately 25-30 minutes, and can be tested at room temperature.
Different Western first antibody and second antibody removal solutions mainly have slightly different principles in removing bound first antibody and second antibody. Relying on different combinations of detergents, acidity, alkalinity, reducing agents, chelating agents, salt concentrations, and some special reagents to release the binding of primary and secondary antibodies without causing loss of proteins transferred to the membrane.
This Western first and second antibody removal solution is only applicable to PVDF membranes. When used in nitrocellulose membranes, there is a significant loss of protein transferred to the membrane.
Storage temperature:
4 ℃ for one year
Transportation conditions:
room temperature
For your safety and health, please wear laboratory clothes and disposable gloves for operation;
2. This Western first and second antibody removal solution is only applicable to PVDF membranes. When used in nitrocellulose membranes, there is a significant loss of protein transferred to the membrane.
3. This reagent is applicable for Western detection using ECL and similar chemiluminescence reagents. Western detection using non chemiluminescent reagents, such as DAB, NBT/BCIP, is not applicable to this reagent.
4. This product is only for scientific research use.