• T4 DNA ligase T4 phage DNA ligase
  • T4 DNA ligase T4 phage DNA ligase
  • T4 DNA ligase T4 phage DNA ligase
  • T4 DNA ligase T4 phage DNA ligase
  • T4 DNA ligase T4 phage DNA ligase
  • T4 DNA ligase T4 phage DNA ligase
  • T4 DNA ligase T4 phage DNA ligase
  • T4 DNA ligase T4 phage DNA ligase

T4 DNA ligase T4 phage DNA ligase

1. Catalytic connection reaction, which involves the formation of phosphodiester bonds between the sticky end, 5-P end, and 3-OH end of dsDNA, dsRNA, and DNA/RNA molecules. 2. Repair the incision in dsDNA reaction (Nick) 3. Catalyze the phosphate exchange reaction between pyrophosphate and ATP (Weiss enzyme unit definition principle) 4. ATP, Mg2+, and DTT are required, with a pH range of 7.5 to 8.0. 5. When the NaCl concentration is above 200 mM.
  • T4 DNA ligase T4 phage DNA ligase
  • T4 DNA ligase T4 phage DNA ligase
  • T4 DNA ligase T4 phage DNA ligase
  • T4 DNA ligase T4 phage DNA ligase


T4 DNA Ligase  features:
T4 DNA ligase was isolated and purified from E. coli cells expressing T4 gene 30, consisting of a single subunit with a molecular weight of 68 KDa.
1. Catalytic connection reaction, which involves the formation of phosphodiester bonds between the sticky end, 5-P end, and 3-OH end of dsDNA, dsRNA, and DNA/RNA molecules.
2. Repair the incision in dsDNA reaction (Nick)
3. Catalyze the phosphate exchange reaction between pyrophosphate and ATP (Weiss enzyme unit definition principle)
4. ATP, Mg2+, and DTT are required, with a pH range of 7.5 to 8.0.
5. When the NaCl concentration is above 200 mM.
6. 1% -10% PEG and 150-200 mM NaCl can promote connection reactions (especially flat end DNA)

T4 DNA Ligase Quality Inspection Standard
There is no contamination of endodeoxyribonucleases, exodeoxyribonucleases, photosphatases, and ribonus. Under SDS-PAGE, it appears as a single band with a purity of>99%.
Definition of active units (Weiss units here)
The amount of enzyme required to incorporate 1 pmol of [5-32P] pCp into acid insoluble precipitate at 5 ℃ and 10 minutes using Oligo (A) n as the substrate is defined as 1 active unit (U) (RNA3 terminal labeling reaction). 66 mM Tris HCl (pH 7.6), 6.6 mM MgCl2, 0.066 mM ATP, 10 mM DTT, 3.3 μ M [32PPi]. 66 mM Tris HCl (pH 7.6), 6.6 mM MgCl2, 0.066 mM ATP, 10 mM DTT, 3.3 μ M [32PPi].

Buffer components
Storage Buffer: 20 mM Tris HCl (pH 7.5), 1 mM DTT, 50 mM KCl, 0.1mM EDTA, and 50% (v/v) glycol. Reaction Buffer, 10 ×: 400 mM Tris HCl, 100 mM MgCl2100 mM DTT, 5 mM ATP (pH 7.8 at 25 ℃).
T4 DNA Ligase Procedure
(1) Obtaining target genes
1. Using PCR method: Using a cloned plasmid containing the target gene as a template, design a pair of primers according to the gene sequence (introducing different cleavage sites in the upstream and downstream primers, respectively

NO.            NAME                                                               SPECS

  Bst DNA PolymeraseLarge Fragment        800U

BT131235  Klenow Fragment(3′→ 5exo-)                       200U

BT51206   Taq DNA Polymerase                                     500U
BT51206   Taq Hotstar DNA Polymerase                        500U

BT131196  Therminator II DNA Polymerase                    100U

BT90501   Tth DNA Polymerase                                       250U

BT60905   MMLV Reverse Transcriptase                        10000U

BT120309  T3 RNA Polymerase                                       1000U

BT130653  GpC Methyltranferase(M.CviPI)                      200U

BT120506  T4 Polynucleotide Kinase                                250U

BT131125  Horseradish PeroxidaseConjugation Grade  100mg

BT130646  Uracil DNA Glycosylase                                   500U

BT130666  Uracile Nicking Enzyme                                    50U

BT130655  Antarctic Phosphatase                                     500U

BT130658  Inorganic Pyrophosphatase(yeast)                   10U

BT130657  Inorganic PyrophosphataseThermostable    250U

BT130621  Taq DNA Ligase                                                1000U

BT131230  DNase I Powder                                               100mg

BT130984  DNase I Solution                                              1.5mL

BT130628  Lambda Exonulease                                        1000U

BT130629  RecJf Exonulease                                             1000U

BT90205   RNase A Powder                                                100mg

BT3160    RNase A Solution(10mg/mL)                               1.5mL

BT60309   RNase A Solution(2mg/mL)                               1.5mL

BT130627  Exonulease T                                                      250U

BT120623  β-AgaraseⅠ                                                        100U

BT100815  Lysozyme Solution                                              1.5mL

BT005       DNase-free RNase A(10mg/mL)                           1ml

BT006       DNase-free RNase A(100mg/mL)                        500μL

BT007       Ribonuclease A                                                   1mL

BT014       Proteinase K(20mg/mL)                                       2ml|1ml

BT392       BalbRT M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase              2000U

BT405   BalbAP Alkaline Phosphatase                                  200U

BT406   Klenow Fragment                                                     100U

BT407   T4 RNA Ligase                                                          200U

BT408   T3 RNA Polymerase                                                  500U

BT409   T7 RNA Polymerase                                                  1000U

BT410   SP6 RNA Polymerase                                                500U

BT411   Deoxyribonuclease I                                                 200U|1000U

BT510   Klenow FragmentExo-                                           100U

BT511   Ribonuclease H                                                         100U

BT512   Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase                      500U

BT513   T4 Polynucleotide Kinase,10U/μL                              100U|500U

BT0212  Proteinase K                                                              100mg

BT0213  RNase-Free DNase I                                                  1000U

BT0214  Lysozyme                                                                    100mg

BT0224  RNase A(10mg/ml)                                                      1ml

BT0225  RNase A(100mg/ml)                                                   1ml

BT0236  Bst DNA Polymerase, Large Fragment                     800U|4000U

BT0237  T4 Polynucleotide Kinase                                          500U|2500U

BT0238  T4 DNA Polymerase                                                 150U|750U

BT0239  T4 DNA Ligase                                                          100U|500U

BT0001   AatII Restriction Endonuclease                                 250U|500U|2500U

BT0004   AbaSI Restriction Endonuclease                               1kU

BT0005   Acc65I Restriction Endonuclease                              1kU|2kU|10kU

BT0008   AccI Restriction Endonuclease                                  500U|1kU|5kU

BT0011   AciI Restriction Endonuclease                                   100U|200U|1kU

BT0014   AclI Restriction Endonuclease                                   150U|300U|1500U

BT0017   AcuI Restriction Endonuclease                                   300U|1500U

BT0019   AfeI Restriction Endonuclease                                    200U|1kU

BT0021   AflII Restriction Endonuclease                                    1kU|2kU|10kU

BT0024   AflIII Restriction Endonuclease                                  125U|250U|1250U

BT0030   High-Fidelity AgeI Restriction Endonuclease             300U|1500U

BT0032   AgeI-HF RE-Mix                                                          25 time

BT0033   AhdI Restriction Endonuclease                               500U|1kU|5kU

BT0034   AluI Restriction Endonuclease                                    500U|1kU|5kU     
