• Water Bath Sample Concentrator
  • Water Bath Sample Concentrator
  • Water Bath Sample Concentrator
  • Water Bath Sample Concentrator

Water Bath Sample Concentrator

1. Elegant appearance, w'th eleval'on operaton panel, embeddedlowmeter, waterproof bullon, safe and relable
2. Good compal'b'r'ly, su lable for Lest lubes(d'ameler 10-29mm), conicalnask, cenlr'fuge lube, the sample capac'ly of 1 -50ml.
3. Tree up and down needle valve lube, ndependenl adjus lable needle valve,onlrols gas now al each sample
4. C'rcular turntable slruclure, 360-degree rolal'on, convenient sampleoul of thewater bath, easy lo operate
5. 12 pos'l'on, each sample pos [on are numbered, spr'ng lube clamp fixedpos Ion.
6. LED real-l'me d'splays Temperature and I'me, waler bath temperature
7. All use of sla nless sleel, all components are ant'-coros'on and resistantLo organc solvents
8. When concenlraled Lox'c solvents, the ent' re syslem can be placed in afume hood
9. Bu'll-'n level sensor, anl'-dry prolecl'on
10. Su' lable for a var'ely of lesl lubes, so that the gas needles aimed at thecenter of the lesl Lube, and the exper 'mental effecl 's greatly improved
  • Water Bath Sample Concentrator
  • Water Bath Sample Concentrator


Product Description
The water bath nitrogen blowing instrument is mainly used for the concentration or preparation of large quantities of samples (such as drug screening, hormone analysis, liquid phase, and sample preparation in mass spectrometry analysis). Working principle: By blowing nitrogen gas into the surface of heated samples, the solvent in the samples is quickly evaporated and separated, thereby achieving the goal of oxygen free concentration of samples and keeping them more pure.
